Commission on Human Rights (CHR) is a public institution dedicated to protect
human rights, which shall be guaranteed by the Philippines Constitution itself.
It holds two different mandates: to investigate in the case of suspicion of
human rights violation, and to run information and education public campaigns
to address the issue of human rights protection.
It is within this frame that the
CHR in Bacolod City has decided to organize activities designed to improve
child rights protection within the SDC starting this month. Upon
meeting the team and beneficiaries of the Social Development Center, the CHR
representative in Bacolod City, Mr. Romeo Baldevarona, showed a great interest
to help dealing with the issues faced by the children as well as their
His team will hold awareness sessions for the children at the SDC to help them understand their rights for protection, in an attempt to reduce the risks of abuse, violence, or traffic that might affect them. The Commission will also address the children’s families to empower them in their capacity to protect their children’s interest as best as they can. In addition, the staff of SDC will also have the opportunity to participate into seminars on child rights protection to be applied in special care institutions, such as the Social Development Center. This capacity building objective is directly linked with the goal of sharing skills and experience between the local actors involved in child care. The expected outcome should allow the enhancement of the services provided by the SDC, which will better match the individual development of each and every child.

At last, but not least, the CHR has committed to offer legal support to the children in conflict with the law and their families, who might need specific assistance to understand the legal proceedings and be able to assert their rights as minors or legal representatives of the child. This comprehensive range of services proposed by the CHR will help building a major partnership, along with the existing actors involved for several months already. We are looking forward to witness very soon the achievements in terms of child rights promotion and respect to result from this new collaboration!